How to remove/delete access to a former staff member.

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As your business grows and evolves, so too does your staff.

That means, at some point, you will need to remove access for a former staff member who may still be receiving emails from you.

This process is simple but essential to ensure your data's security and keep it out of the wrong hands.

Let's look at how to safely and securely manage this process.

Go to the menu on your left.

Click over the account settings menu.

The menu will display a set of different options.

Click on Pipehire Users.

To remove staff members click on the trash icon.

You're done!

Taking these precautions will help minimize potential risks associated with allowing unauthorized individuals to access sensitive information within your organization long after leaving it behind.

We're so excited you've decided to try Pipehire out, and we're confident you will love it! ❤️

Just start a chat if you have any questions. We are here to help! 😃

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