How to interpret the score of my applicants(A, B and C players)?

Pipehire helps you to identify applicants using a scoring system based on the letters A, B, and C.

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Pipehire shows the Best Possible Score Form inside the Form Builder and the Funnel Module, depending on how you have set up your question score.

Best Possible Score can vary depending on the score assigned to each question.

Each applicant comes with a Score and it’s Color-coded to visually see the best candidates quickly (see image below).

Job applications with many applicants can be difficult to filter, this is why we developed the SRF( Score Rating Form).

This is an easy way to focus your efforts on those applicants who are the best.

It is the highest score that a candidate can obtain within the selected form. The score depends on the points previously assigned to the questions within the Form Builder.

When you see applicants in your funnel, you will see three colors:

A player: The green color means the applicant has obtained 80% to 100% of the possible points in the application form. Also, based on our experience, we considered that A players should provide two+ work references from past jobs.

B Player: The yellow color means these applicants have obtained between 50% to 79% of the possible points of the application form. We refer to them as 'B-Players', proceed with caution with these applicants since they don't meet all the position requirements; if you like someone, call and ask more questions to see if they turn to a green color.

C Player: The red color means the applicant has obtained less than 50% of the possible points of the application form. We refer to them as 'C-Players'; you should NOT proceed since they are incomplete applications and don't have the bare minimum requirements of the position. You can archive these applicants.

For further questions on this article, feel free to send us a chat message.

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