How to export applicants/candidate data

Exporting applicant/candidate data is essential for cleaning and home service businesses.

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Exporting applicant/candidate data is essential for cleaning and home service businesses.

With this capability, they can save considerable time accessing the necessary information they need to manage their customers and ensure a smooth workflow.

Being able to export data such as contact details, job requirements, and additional documents makes staying organized much more straightforward, reducing the risks of duplicate or incorrect information.

With the right tool, cleaning, and home service, business owners can quickly and efficiently store their customer data for future use.

To export the data of your applicants/candidates, go to the left menu and select the Funnel module.

You'll find the "more" button located in the control bar.

Click over the button, and select the "export" option.

A pop-up window will display different options to export your data.

Select the option that best suits your needs.

Save the CVS file, and open the file either on Microsoft Excel, Number, or Google Spreadsheets.

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