Open and Connect Pipehire to Checkr to Run Background Checks

You will learn how to create and connect Checkr to Pipehire.

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Benefits of the new Pipehire + Checkr Integration + Promo Code + Resources

As a cleaning or home service business, you are responsible for ensuring that your customers are safe and secure.

With the integration between Pipehire and Checkr, you can easily save time and money conducting background checks for your applicants/employees.

Checkr's simple and affordable platform allows you to initiate a background check in minutes.

Sign in, launch the background check, and leave the rest to Checkr!

Add to that the affordable pricing structure, and you have a recipe for effective and efficient background screening.

Give yourself peace of mind by knowing you can trust your cleaning staff and home service personnel with Pipehire + Checkr’s  accurate background checks.


  1. Background check basics
  2. Background check services for small businesses
  3. Upgrade your hiring workflow
  4. Pricing plans and add ons
  5. PipeHireHRM / Checkr Integration User Guide

Now in order to run seamless background checks yo must:

  1. Open a Checkr account for your own company.
  2. Connect it to Pipehire.
  3. Enjoy! Start running background checks.

Follow this link to Get Started with Checkr.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to start a chat.

Let us help you free some time.

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