How to embed HTML code inside your site

Here's how you can embed code either Wordpress, Launch27, Custom Site.

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There are different ways to embed HTML code inside your website.

First, let me explain what an Embed Code is:

What is an embed code?

The "embed code" is a block of HTML that is embedded in the page source and creates an object in doing so.

HTML: one of the most essential languages used on the web, used to design and layout web pages. You often see this code when you're in the "back end" of your blog post, website, etc.

Embed: the process of putting something into a website or blog post. It's often referenced with HTML to designate interactive content taken from social and content networks.

Okay, now that we're all on the same page, let's get on with the rest of the article.

Here's how you can embed code in either Wordpress, Launch27, or Custom Site.

1. WordPress:

If your site was created using the Wordpress platform; please follow these steps:

Generate the embed code

1. Go to Job Offers Module.

2. Click on the "Share URL" button.

3. A "pop-up" window will show.

4. Copy code to clipboard.

Then please follow the steps shown in this video.

2. Launch 27:

Please follow these steps from Launch 27.

3. Custom Site:

If this is your case, you may have to contact the person who was in charge of the creation of your website.

  1. Go to Forms Module.
  2. Click on the "View Code" link.
  3. A "pop-up" window will show.
  4. Copy code to clipboard.

Paste the code into your web page where you would like to display it, usually somewhere in the body of the page.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to start a chat.

We hope you enjoy it!

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